1st Students

Students (grades 6 - 12) come together for the sake of the Gospel, accountability, service, spiritual growth and fun. Our student ministry is most active on Sunday nights @ 6:30 for "Launch" 

Anywhere from 50-75 students come to worship every week. We play games, our student led worship band leads us in song,  & our Student Pastor Cameron preaches an expositional student-aimed message.  We also meet Wednesday night for Gospel groups at 6:30 p.m and Sunday Morning 10 a.m. for Sunday school

Find us on Facebook


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Fall Retreat 2024 NOv. 1-3 $100

Fall retreat is a student planned event. This year we will be headed to Wheat State Camp in Augusta. We will be studying Romans chapter 8 in 4 different sessions. We will also do team building, break into small groups, play paintball, capture the flag, bubble soccer, eat lots of food and more. If you have a student this is the PERFECT close to home event for them! contact Cameron for more details. 

P.S. What to bring and schedule will be posted here SOON!





Gospel Groups

We have renamed and revamped our student small groups on Wednesday night. We meet together (at church) for singing, testimony, prayer, accountability, Bible discussion, and Bible Quiz studying. Once a month all groups get together and compete in a 4 team bible quiz match. It is a TON of fun and has helped our group memorize so much Scripture. This school year we will be quizzing over the book of Romans. 1 chapter per month. 

If you or a student you know would like to be a part of Gospel Groups Contact Cameron! 

Annual student events

Here is a list of our annual student events. dates listed as they become available.

Also note there are many other smaller events happening throughout the year. 

Check out The Well's Facebook for up to date info


  • Dnow

    April 19-21 2024

    Disciple Now Student Weekend is the largest student event we do all year long. We have anywhere from 90-150 students attend the event. We put on this event to see students come to faith in Christ & to strengthen the relationship of those already following Him. This event is a Friday-Sunday double Overnight event. Students come Friday and are placed in a host home from our church with students in their grade and gender. They participate in 6 worship sessions with the band and speaker we bring in. We also play some CRAZY games, have scavenger hunts and much more.  The cost is $45  Money is never a reason someone can't attend. If you can't afford it, contact Cameron.

  • Out of school Party

    First Sunday after schools out

    An event where we get together and celebrate SUMMER VACATION! examples: Pool Party, Paintball, Allstar Sports, Trampoline Park ETC...

    Watch for details on The Well Student Ministry for updates

  • 3rd week of June

    Type content here...

  • Last WEek of July

    This year The Well is taking its first Trip out of the country. We are headed to Harmans Jamaica. I know what you might be thinking. (they are going to go vacation and call it a mission trip) this could not be farther from the truth. We are headed not to the tourist part of Jamaica but to a remote mountain village. We will be building/fixing houses, tutoring in schools, sorting medical supplies, clothes, food, and more. This trip will give students the opportunity to experience what life is like for people outside of the U.S.A. The trip cost is $1700. Please be in prayer about how you can support us on our mission to Jamaica.

  • August

    This is when we have one last hurrah before the dread of school starting!

    Watch The Well Student Ministry facebook page for updates

  • white Elephant Christmas party

    Last sunday before Christmas

    6:00pm - FBC Gym

    One of the funniest events of the year. You never know what students will wrap up!

  • winter Jam

    Feb 2024

    Winter Jam is Christian musics largest annual music tour. Cost is $15

  • (

    if chiefs aren't in the SB!)

    Students will get together at the church and watch the Super Bowl. Bring a food item when you come. Call Cameron for more details.

Youth Group Sermons


The WKND 2019


Jamaica Mission Trip 2018

Mission Possible 2017

Eads COlorado