OUr beliefs

Our faith is grounded in a series of beliefs regarding our relationship to God, the Bible and one another.  Below are some of our foundational beliefs

WE believe the Bible to be our sole authority for faith and practice of the church.  
We do not give any man, governing body, or church tradition the authority to determine our knowledge of God.  The Scriptures alone perfectly reveal God, His will, and His full redemptive plan.

WE affirm that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man.  
There is no salvation apart from the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came incarnate and gave himself on the cross for the forgiveness of sin. 

WE practice believer's baptism.  
Baptism is an outward symbol of God's inward saving power in our lives.  Baptism itself does not save, but it is a beautiful symbol of our dying to self and rising again with Christ.  Baptism is only for those who have willingly confessed Jesus Christ as their Savior and not for unbelievers, including infants.

WE practice baptism by immersion.  
Scripture is abundantly clear that immersion was the Biblical method of baptizing.  All other forms of baptism, sprinkling or pouring, are not accepted because they do not complete the picture baptism intends to symbolize - the death and resurrection of life through Jesus Christ.

WE are a self-governing congregation.  
FBCMulvane does not answer to any ecclesiastical authority.  We operate and function according to the collective ways in which the Holy Spirit leads us.  As a self-governing church we are completely autonomous, and make all decisions regarding our church.

WE cooperate and fellowship with other Southern Baptist churches.  
Although we are self-governing, we have voluntarily entered into cooperative relationships with other like-minded churches.  The entire body of cooperating churches is known around the world as the Southern Baptist Convention.

Together, we pool our resources to send missionaries all over the world with the intention of fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).