A Note from Pastor Jason
I am so excited to begin this journey of faith and discipleship with you. When my family and I came to First Baptist several years ago, we never expected the overflow of blessings that God had in store for us. It quickly became clear that First Baptist Church is an extraordinary congregation. We have a passion for the Gospel that is a rare commodity today. Also, this congregation demonstrates a Christ-like love that noticeably models the life and teachings of Jesus. I believe that God is blessing us so that our passion, our gospel-centered ministries, and our dedication to the inerrant truth of God's word will spread throughout our community and to the far reaches of the world.
We have a calling from our Lord to steward the blessings He has given us. We have a responsibility to make disciples of the next generation so that there will always be a place in Mulvane where Jesus is exalted, His Word is proclaimed without apology, and soldiers in the army of the Lord are trained to be sent out for His kingdom. I hope that you will join with us as we build for the harvest that God is bringing in. We are embarking on a spiritual journey to grow in our stewardship, our discipleship, and our effectiveness for Christ's commission. The actions and decisions we make right now will reverberate throughout generations . What a powerful legacy we will leave. What an exciting time to be at First Baptist Church! We will plant, we will water, and by the power of the gospel, God will give the increase. I hope you are praying about how God would have you get involved.
At First Baptist Church, our passion is to see God transform lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ as we connect with one another in discipling relationships and serve Christs kingdom by making disciples in our community and around the world. It is abundantly clear that God is richly blessing and multiplying our congregation beyond our capacity to effectively minister in our current facility. We are excited about what God is already doing but we also know that God is calling us to prepare ourselves for the harvest of disciples he is bringing in. Our passion for Christ and the desire to increase our impact for him fuels our decision to invest in this project for His glory.
This is not a journey toward a new facility! we are embarking on the journey of faith and growth which God is calling our congregation. During this time, we expect to be stretched and to grow as disciples in ways that are distinctive to this season in our church.The culture of discipleship we have at FBC is worth multiplying. Our passion for the gospel is a rare commodity in our world and that message, along with the love for one another that accompanies it, is the seed we seek to cultivate for future generations.
while it is God who grows His church and brings in the harvest, we are called to be good stewards of the blessings that God is bestowing upon us. God is already at work at FBC. We have seen steady growth in every area. Disciples are being made. All our ministries are growing. We believe that God has positioned us spiritually, financially, and practically for such a time as this.
Member Quotes
Shon and Trish Gerber
"Because of FBC Mulvane's myriad of opportunities in children, teen and adult ministries, all of our children have accepted the Lord; become leaders in various ministries and strive to give back to their church and community at large. We feel strongly that the Lord is moving at FBC Mulvane in the direction for growth not just in the number of members being added, but in the spiritual maturity of our congregation."
Matt and Emily Canfield
"FBC Mulvane has been vital to our family from the relationships we have formed to the teaching each week. I don't know what we would do without this caring family of believers to encourage and support us. FBC has loved us through the growth of our family and we pray it will continue to be a Christ honoring place for generations to come"
Johnathan and Christy Hula
"When we first Visited FBC 15 years ago, we saw a core group of people who truly loved Jesus and had a desire to walk with him. Fifteen years later we still see the same thing! We are excited as we see God leading our church with new opportunities."
Kent and Wanda Smith
"FBC has had a major impact on both of our lives. We were raised, taught, nurtured, discipled and loved here for over 65 years. In return, we came to know the Lord and His incredible love for us. We met here, married here and raised our children here in a church that continues to strive to instill in everyone God's love through his son Jesus Christ."
Ron and Cam Jantz
"Seeing our church and its ministries grow in the last coupe of years has been the most exciting thing we've seen in our church life for a long time. We see the proposed church expansion as our way of moving where God is working by providing space for others to connect with our fellowship, hear God's word, and ultimately come to know and serve Him."
Why a campaign now?
Our Church is growing in very exciting ways. It is God who is blessing us with growth. Since 2018 we have gained 124 new members and we have baptized 42 people (and that number is still growing)! Our attendance and our giving have risen substantially as well. Virtually every ministry in our church has grown exponentially. In fact, by every discernible and measurable metric, our church is ready to embark upon this spiritual journey.
GIVING Questions
Please do not. Our church has a ministry-focused, general fund budget that depends on the faithful tithes and offerings of our congregation. Campaign giving is "over and over" giving, meaning it is over our normal giving and over a period of three years.
We are Blessed whenever an individual or family makes a bold move of trusting God, regardless of the fund. Often through a capital campaign and other special opportunities to give, one learns about the joy of giving by taking that first leap; making a commitment to "go all out" and learning to tithe through the process. Others want to do the first tings first by giving to the regular church budget offering. Either way, your gifts and offerings will be celebrated.
YES! Giving from net worth can be a very wise way to give. If you have stocks, bonds or mutual funds that are worth more than you paid for them, and you have held them for more than a year, you can give appreciated shares directly to FBC. Giving appreciated non-cash assets before you sell may be a much wiser solution than liquidating the stock and locking in a capital gains tax. FBC advises that you contact your CPA or financial advisor to determine the most beneficial method of donation for everyone involved.
God is abundantly blessing out church. The church has experienced two years of strong regular tithes and offerings. We have been consistently over budget in our giving and under budget in our spending over the past two years. FBC is in a very healthy financial situation as we enter the campaign. We currently have no debt and operate with an abundant operating reserve.
The goal of any church should be to have little to no long-term debt. The amount of potential debt service for the church depends upon how the Lord provides through His resources and the financial recourses of His people. Each member will be asked to join in the spiritual faith journey to seek the Lord's directions on what He would have each one to sacrificially give to realize the goal. Any debt assumed for the project would be dependent upon a vote of the church.
We are planning a three-year commitment period in which we will sacrificially give what God has laid upon or hearts. You can give weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or in a lump sum.
Questions Cont.
While we are aware that some cannot give as much as others, everyone can give something. Whether it is a little or a lot, we hope to have 100% participation in this campaign. There are three questions that each of us must prayerfully ask ourselves:
Sacrificing eating out one time a week might produce an extra $35 per week. That $35 alone would be a $5,460 pledge over three years. We all have areas that God may be calling us to sacrifice for His house and His mission. This is a very personal decision that we encourage you to pray about fervently.
Few decisions have been clearer than this one. God moved our church to vote at 91% to begin this campaign for our building expansion. We acknowledge that a campaign will require sacrifice from each of us. While we can see God's faithfulness to us over the past few years with record giving of tithes and offerings, sacrifice is never trivial or easy. Sacrifice is not about timing; it is about purpose. We believe that because God has led us to this place, he will guide us through a Capital Campaign
Building For The
WHEN: Sunday Feb. 27th at 11:00am
Where: FBC Mulvane
What: we will celebrate God's faithfulness as we offer him our pledges.
Until then, please be Praying intently about how God would have you to be involved.